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  • billybobber84

The little mermaids importance

The Little mermaid: voiceless sea dweller suffocates as an old squid takes her voice away. Mermaid with daddy issues talks to fishes. There are many reasons why the little mermaid is important. The water is a symbol of dreams and soul. That the surface is the dream reaching reality yet theres a price to pay.

Her voice for the surface. A warning of our blinding search and following any dream, a delusional fix. That the surface can be more unconscious than the sea. That she was still drowning out of the water. That consciousness is in your soul and dreams yet needs to be released. That staying in the soul and under the surface can be safer and just as peaceful. To embrace who you are and where you are from. How we live in our bubble of security and safety, missing out on the real world, on the outside.

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