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  • billybobber84

Realm by orcamind

Drifty dreamy beats, poppy mysterious rock. This is Realm, the second EP by the dreamsoulcore soft rock band, orcamind. Full of poppy psychedelic acoustic rock and peaceful adventure. Michelle captures the soft tranquil ambience perfectly with angelic soothing soaring tones, going from singing to speaking with soulful reflection. Josiah compliments her and the music with his soulful transcending voice. 

They sing about finding a way out, falling into oblivion and knowing there is a way somehow, dealing with memories of pain and things you should erase, being forgotten and covered by ones who don't want you around. Sometimes it felt like I was drifting on a cloud of euphoria in a final fantasy Mario world to swimming in dark hopeful melancholy abyss in donkey Kong country. 

It captures that feeling of going into other realms of fantasy and reality. That starry soulful fantastical wonder. Michelle's love and other work of video games is still strongly here with the synth wave and synthizer tones. if you like video game music, rock, peaceful transcendence then you'll love this album and band.

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