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  • billybobber84

Oceans ate alaska- disparity

Gloomy brutal melodic blasts. this is disparity, the third album by the metalemotionspiritualcore band, oceans ate Alaska. There are some elements from older albums like sporadic djent odd time signatures yet more cohesive. A more brutal dark tone this time.

From hyper fast blast beats and dark gritty riffs to melodic melancholy tranquility, it's nails it. there is some electronic techno brutal ambience as well. Some songs makes me feels like I'm exploding love and pain in a bright star and others make me feel like I'm in danger in a futuristic holographic ship.

Blending the most deadly breakdowns with soulful dark euphoria. it captures the direction and meaning of the song. James sings and growls with passion and reflection as if he's living it. He talks about freedom of speeches losing freedom, disparities between truth and lies, morphing in and out of self and a false self, illusions of self and life and how were dead inside.

dive into this evolved masterpiece.

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