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  • billybobber84

A cure for a new erra

Metal Industrial breakdowns of emotional dreams, floating melodic soul rock, this is cure by erra, the 6th album by the progressive acensioncore band. Erra are known to be atmospheric and here is no different if not more. Felt like I was drifting far away in a dark ocean of dreams and others like I was swimming in an industrial city, searching for a way home.

Lyrics are as deep as ever. From reflecting back to a person you were and wanting to be it again to looking at yourself from a place you can't reach with riffs of euphoric ascension and dreamy descension. Jesse sings high and low about our wishes to reach dreams, glimpses of possible escape and safety gracefully. He speaks the essence of being lost so personally and raw.  It matches jts growls and screams of dark anguish and hope.  

It invokes so many emotions and nostalgic reflections with slow drifty riffs into fast springy brutal blasts with djent Spirit. It resembles a darker abysmal drift ghost atlas but its own identity. Nothing recycled here. It's a masterpiece of erras and progressive metals evolution, making you wish for more and you will every time you listen to it. 

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